Ambutech No-Jab mobility cane with Graphite/Carbon Fiber shaft

Let’s face it, its time for a new white cane. I bet you are still rocking that old cane you got when you first completed Orientation and Mobility training all those years ago, aren’t you? The tip is probably all worn down and I bet you never gave buying a new one a second thought, even though you use it every day. A ton of you have been messaging me all over my social media asking me to do a review of the new Ambutech No-Jab carbon fiber cane to see if it lives up to the Luxury, Comfort and Quality advertising. I contacted the folks at Ambutech, and they were nice enough to send out a review unit for me to run through its paces. I’ve had the cane for a couple weeks now and been using it as my everyday cane.
Build Quality & Features
The Ambutech No-Jab mobility cane has a Graphite/Carbon-Fiber shaft, and a double internal cord holding it all together. Anyone who has ever “popped” a cord while away from home will appreciate that the cane can still function on one cord. The No-Jab segment of the cane, which is located just below the grip is spring loaded and compresses nearly five inches when striking a solid object. My review unit included a rolling marshmallow tip, and the cane clocked in at a svelte 11 ounces.
The cane has a 10-1/2″ ergonomically designed grip made of genuine sheepskin leather with breathable, perforated holes for extra comfort.
Personalize it
The Ambutech No-Jab mobility cane has a hook type tip system, with a sturdy cable lock. Replacing the cane tips is as easy as pulling out the tip until the cable lock engages, then hooking a new tip in place. A quick flip of the cable lock and the whole assembly slides back into the bottom of the cane and you are ready to get back on the road.
The hook style cane tips are available in a variety of options through Amazon and Ambutech’s website. Depending on how you like to use the cane when walking, a variety of tips are available ranging from the included rolling marshmallow tip to the classic pencil style, roller ball, disc, ceramic and metal glide tips and more. If those are not enough, Ambutech offer an Aluminum adaptor which allows hook style canes to use 8mm Thread On tips.
If you are a frequent cane user, you already understand the importance of a mobility cane that folds and unfolds quickly and effortlessly. If the joints are too tight, they tend to build a vacuum, making it difficult to pull the cane apart and fold once you have reached your destination. The Ambutech No-Jab mobility cane uses a new Conical Joint, which has a bit of outward flair, making it easier to quickly unfold and go on your way. In my testing, a quick wrist flip allowed the cane to snap together perfectly. It feels like the combination of the new joint and double-cord design makes this possible.
Using the cane
A luxury product comes with a level of expectation when it comes to quality, comfort and use. In my testing, the Ambutech No-Jab mobility cane does not disappoint in any of these categories. From the first time I unfolded the cane, I appreciated the light weight of the cane, and comfortable handle grip. Before trying out the cane, I (and many of you) had concerns about the Conical Joint technology, I was afraid that the joints would allow too much movement in the cane shaft during use, reducing the sensitivity, but this was not the case. In comparison tests with other canes, the Ambutech No-Jab cane Conical Joints delivered superior sensitivity for ground texture and smaller objects encountered while walking.
If you have not used a No-Jab style cane, you really need to experience it for yourself. The top segment of the cane compresses into the handle nearly five inches, allowing you time to stop when encountering an object – like a raised segment in the sidewalk. I usually hold my cane a bit lower and cannot tell you how many times I have bruised myself when hitting an object with my old cane.
The double cord design allows the cane to be sturdy, but still easy to fold and put away. I used the cane in light rain, and snow and found the texture of the handle grip comfortable when traveling. The grip felt similar to a tennis racket and the leather gives a premium feel.
There is no such thing as a perfect mobility aid, and the Ambutech No-Jab Graphite/Carbon Fiber cane does have a couple faults worth mentioning. First, the cane does not fold as flat as other canes do. This is because the premium handle grip is a bit thicker than many other canes, and the marshmallow tip keeps the cane from folding flat. Neither of these is a real concern, it is the nature of the marshmallow type tip that keeps a cane from folding flat. The only other issue I experienced with the cane was an odd burnt smell from the section of the cane where the No-Jab spring was located. It took a few days for the smell to dissipate and was likely something to do with the manufacturing process. Were any of these issues cause enough for me not to give the Ambutech No-Jab cane an excellent review? No.
The light weight, sensitivity and luxury feel of the Ambutech No-Jab Graphite/Carbon Fiber mobility cane make it a joy to use daily. The grip is comfortable and easy to hold even in harsh weather conditions and the addition of the No-Jab feature means no more bruised hips and abdomen from unexpected bumps in the sidewalk or other obstructions.
It can be difficult to get excited about a mobility aid. The Ambutech No-Jab mobility cane is comfortable to use and has a well thought out feature set. Topping the package off is the price – at reasonable $65.99 (USD).
Additional information
While putting this article together, several of my readers on social media inquired about other handle options for the No-Jab cane, and if Ambutech offered replacements for the interior cord of the cane. According to Ambutech, there are no other grip options available, and they do offer reasonably priced cord replacements, but they are not available for direct purchase on their website. If you need cord replacement, customers can contact Ambutech at their Order by phone number at: +1 (800) 561-3340.
Amazon Listing
Ambutech No-Jab Graphite/Carbon Fiber mobility cane
Ambutech Website
Before you go…
I love to hear from my readers, if you have an idea for a low vision related product or mobility aid you would like me to review, feel free to drop me a note on my social media links below or right here on blind travels. follow me and I will happily follow you back.
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