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Author: Ted

Are you blind? dealing with social distancing as a visually impaired person.

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

Before I got my guide dog Fauna, walking into objects and people was a fact of life. I would often lose focus while walking and veer off my line especially when I was in a store trying to find a particular product. Blindness is often referred to as the invisibleRead More …

Sharing is caring

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

I am feeling the summer sadness. I am supposed to be getting ready for a trip to Alaska right now, but like everyone else I’m stuck at home thinking about travel. My dad used to call it having itchy moccasins – yes, he was Native American. I love to travelRead More …

Artists supporting disabled artists.

Blind Travels dog logo

All of the photography here on Blind Travels was taken by me. I have degrees in Fine Art Photography and Studio Art Photography,  when I finished my degrees I spent years trying to find a gallery that would exhibit my work. The area I lived in had an art communityRead More …

Three quesitons with a blind person part 3

Fauna the black lab guide dog sitting on a wooden floor wearing a sparkly green saint paddies day hat.

I just published part three of my series “Three questions with a blind person” Please feel free to pass this series along. I’m interested to hear what you think about this series, did I get it right? is there something you would like to share the answer to with myRead More …

Guide Dog tips – something special

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

With many states lifting travel restrictions, it is time to think about how you can make the transition back into traveling easier for your guide dog. Whether I am traveling across town or across the country, I always have a backpack with a few things my guide could use “justRead More …

Come see my photography!

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

It is with great joy that I announce the extension of my Landscapes of the Body photography exhibition through the end of the year at the Lighthouse for the Blind gallery located at 1155 Market Street in San Francisco ca. If you find yourself in San Francisco, please stop byRead More …

Pennsylvania to launch new voting method for visually impaired for next week’s primary

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

This is a travel and tech blog for the blind and visually impaired, so while this story meets the technical criteria for inclusion, I strive to make this a totally non-political website. I figure that if you are looking for politics there are a million and one other sources forRead More …

Cool ultrasonic speaker techology lets braille readers read in mid-air

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

This is a great advancement, I can really see this benefiting so many. The added bonus with the social distancing is that we don’t have t come in contact with a surface that has been manhandled by so many others. I hope this technology can evolve and be implemented inRead More …

Guide Dogs and Coronavirus

Fauna the black lab guide dog wears a n-95 face mask.

My guide dog Fauna has a habit of engaging with people when we are out and about. She won’t actually go up to them or elicit attention, but she is very attentive and when we are not walking she is making eye contact with people around her. This habit tendsRead More …

Starting to open back up.

Fauna the black lab guide dog wears a n-95 face mask.

This has been a trying couple of months for the travel industry. I had three trips cancelled due to the pandemic, I currently have more travel booked and I fear that it will also be cancelled. I am a mature adult and realize that this shutdown is not all aboutRead More …

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