Author: Ted
Thank you Hadley School for the Blind!

A big thank you to Haldey school for the Blind for interviewing me about Amtrak travel with a guide dog. You can tune into Hadley’s Travel Talk at: I appeared on the April 23rd show and we talked about the whole process of Amtrak travel from start to finish.Read More …
Thank you Accessible Media Inc!
A big thank you to Accessible Media Inc. (AMI) and show hosts Kelly and Company for interviewing me for their radio show. You can catch the replay of their shows via podcast at: Thank you for letting me spread the word about this site! Kelly and Company show onRead More …
Getting my first Guide Dog – recap

I love to hear from my readers, and one comment I get often centers around my Guide Dog Files blog posts, where I talk about the process of getting my first guide dog. Finding the next post among all the blog entries is difficult, so I have assembled them inRead More …
Three questions with a blind person #2

A big thank you to my readers for submitting the great questions via my Twitter! @nedskee Here is a link to my second Three questions with a blind person article. I love taking time to educate the fully sighted on day to day life of a blind or visually impairedRead More …
Accessibility for the visually impaired amid Covid-19

My guide Dog Fauna and I ventured a trip to the store yesterday to pick up some much needed provisions (cookies for my son and oranges for me). We had only been in the store for a few minutes before some person was yelling at me for going the wrongRead More …
Guide Dogs and social distancing

Guide dogs are trained to be working dogs, not pets. These dogs are ready to go until they retire. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused everyone to change their daily routine, people are staying home and guides are not working nearly as much as they used to. My guide Fauna isRead More …
Three questions with a blind person #1
Yesterday I was walking with my guide dog and had someone ask me some questions about being blind. I thought it might make an interesting addition to my education section here on Blind Travels.
5 apps that help the blind and visually impaired travel easier.

Flighthub overviews a few different apps that might make your travel life a bit easier. Be My Eyes Be My Eyes is an iOS and Android app that connects its users with a community of over 500,000 unpaid sighted aids. By using device cameras and speakers, blind and visually impairedRead More …
Visually Impaired Students play curling
For some strange reason, whenever my sighted friends hear about adaptive technology for sporting events they are amazed. Curling while visually impaired makes total sense to me.
Ideas to stay busy during the COVID-19 outbreak

Many of us are sequestered at home (some voluntarily and some not), in an effort to quell the spread of COVID-19 – nearly all of my traveler friends have cancelled their upcoming travel and are hunkered down at home. This is a tempting time to travel with the deep discountsRead More …