Author: Ted
Flight for Sight 2024

Photography is a language that speaks to our senses and emotions. It whispers secrets about the world—a sun-kissed meadow, a bustling city street, a tearful embrace. Yet, for those without sight, this language remains silent. Photographs, no matter how evocative, remain mere abstractions for those who cannot see them. TheRead More …
An accessible hotel near Disney’s Main Gate in Anaheim

The SpringHill suites is a few minutes walk from the main gate of Disneyland. The hotel offers friendly staff and a full breakfast included. Check out our accessibility review. SpringHill Suites by Marriott Anaheim Maingate an accessible review “Traveling, without sight, is an extraordinary journey of exploration. In theRead More …
Big news Tuesday!
Big news Tuesday! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Building your confidence: Preparing mentally to travel with little or no sight

So, you’ve got the travel bug, but the idea of navigating the world without sight has you feeling grounded? Been there, done that (with a killer massage at a super chill airport because, hey, delays happen!). But trust me, globetrotting as a blind or visually impaired adventurer is an epicRead More …
Accessible review of Royal Caribbean 3 day cruise from Long Beach to Mexico

Our review of the three day cruise from Long Beach to Ensenada Mexico is live! check it out! Accessible review of Royal Caribbean 3 day cruise from Long Beach to Mexico. Was it accessible for blind travelers? #TravelTuesday #blind #disabled @RoyalCaribPR “Traveling, without sight, is an extraordinary journey ofRead More …
The ultimate guide to cruising with your guide dog

Have you considered taking your guide dog on a cruise with you? Check out my ultimate guide to cruising with a guide, discussing everything from the documentation you need to gather before the cruise to where they will relieve onboard. “Traveling, without sight, is an extraordinary journey of exploration.Read More …
The ultimate guide to cruising blind or visually impaired

This week we start out a new series about cruising while blind or visually impaired. We discuss learning how to navigate the ship, the procedure of getting on and off the boat, how food works aboard the boat and so much more. Check out my ultimate guide to cruising blindRead More …
Check out our accessible review of The Clocktower Cabaret in Denver

If you find yourself in Denver, take some time to check out the Clocktower Cabaret, located just off the 16th street mall. The Clocktower Cabaret features music, comedy, burlesque and much more. Our accessible review just went live. The Clocktower Cabaret Denver Co. an accessible review “Ted’s journey into theRead More …
Hotel Eastlund review
Check out our review of Hotel Eastlund in Portland, a modern and contemporary boutique hotel located a couple blocks from the Portland Convention Center @HotelEastlund Hotel Eastlund, a contemporary and modern boutique hotel in Portland’s Eastside. “Ted’s journey into the landscape of the human body is a marvelous celebration ofRead More …
Don’t fly stressed!

Recently, I took a trip to California from Denver on United. Once the passengers got settled, the usual safety briefing did not happen, instead the captain came out of the cockpit and grabbed the intercom to address the plane. In my travels this was a bit of a surprise, soRead More …