Author: Ted

Winter is coming!

Fauna the black lab guide dog wearing her harness and red and gray sweatshirt. She is standing in the living room ready to go out for a walk.

As summer winds down, and the signs of fall are all around us, it is a great time to think about keeping your dog safe during those wintery walks. While I will gear this article toward guide dog users, this information is appropriate for anyone who loves to venture outRead More …

Apple adding new disability friendly features to iOS

The blind Travels logo which features a silhouette of a photographer and a guide dog in front of the apple logo.

Apple today is announcing improvements to the iOS operating system, adding new features for users with a variety of disabilities. Of particular interest to the visually impaired community is the improvements to the voice over screen reader which will wil now allow users to identify the contents of images onscreen.Read More …

Honda creates new shoe-based navigation for the visually impaired

Honda's new in-shoe navigation system. The photo has a pair of shoe and a smartphone with map app open.

With the rise of vision impairment disabilities in the population, Honda is joining other companies like Microsoft in creating products for the blind and visually impaired market. From Honda on the creation of Ashirase, Inc. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. recently announced the establishment of Ashirase, Inc. It is the automaker’sRead More …

Follow us on Facebook!

A silhouette of a man holding a camera standing next to a silhouette of a lab guide dog in harness. The Facebook logo can be seen in the background.

Did you know that Blind Travels has a Facebook page? Come and follow the page for updates on my upcoming trips, meetups, and speaking engagements. I also post a lot of my travel photography there, as well as tips and triks to get better images when you are traveling. SeeRead More …

Google I/O and awesome accessibility features coming

Google I/O logo

Along with all the fun travel and destination reviews I do here on blindtravels, I love to talk about technology, especially when it relates to travel. This year’s Google I/O conference, a gathering of the minds which allows Google to show off all the cool new software and hardware theyRead More …

Do blind people use Instagram?

Instagram logo and blind photographer with guide dog

Visual impairment is not black and white, there are many levels between fully functional vision and being completely blind. Hearing impairment, and mobility impairment also have many varying levels, but in the case of mobility impairment, those differences are more clearly visible – or at least you might think theyRead More …

Railway stations ‘mapped’ for visually impaired passengers

A camera with a blind person walking with a cane in the lens.

Sussex are taking accessibility to the next level for some of their railway stations. The improvements implemented to make the stations more accessible to blind and visually impaired travelers include some great looking tactile maps manufactured by the Royal National Institute of Blind People, higher contrast markings on stairs andRead More …

The importance of real time audio descriptions for the news

The blind Travels logo inside of a television with the closed captioning and audio descriptions logos.

I have been thinking about something for a while now, and I finally sat down to write an article about it. Why don’t television stations offer real time audio descriptions for blind and visually impaired viewers  during live broadcasts like they do real time subtitles for those who are hearingRead More …

IBM creates app to help blind people socially distance

A camera with a blind person walking with a cane in the lens.

When the COVID-19 pandemic first hit, many things changed very quickly and accessibility was not considered into many of the new guidelines and rules put into place. Stores places sighs on the floor marking aisles for one-way traffic and there were a million signs put up  instructing patrons to stayRead More …

Youth Not so bored game night every week via zoom

A camera with a blind person walking with a cane in the lens.

The Lighthouse for the Blind offer a ton of great resources and programs for the blind and visually impaired. I can personally vouch for the Lighthouse because I have worked with them and visited their campus a few times. I have found everyone there from the students to the teamRead More …

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