Category: Education
The difference between emotional support animal and service dog

Do you know the difference between an emotional support animal and a service dog? It can be confusing, especially with the new legislation, and all of the claims by companies on the internet promising documentation to allow you to take your dog anywhere you go. I am a guide dogRead More …
Traceability codes for guide dogs get their debut at the 2022 Paralympic Games

At the 2022 Beijing Winter Paralympic Games, 68 guide dogs were selected as special volunteers to help the athletes. These dogs all have a new identification QR code, which, when scanned provide important details about the guide dog. The new identification system is integrated into China’s product quality traceability system, whichRead More …
Accessible educational materials

Timely access to accessible educational materials for students who are blind or visually impaired is a constant concern at every grade level. Arguably, in grade school, where instructors may have more flexibility in class assignments, the lack of accessible class materials can be less of a problem than in HighRead More …
What the blind community wishes you knew.

Anyone who is a regular reader of this blog or website knows that I love to write articles centered around education, for the visually impaired and the fully sighted. Recently USA Today published an article focused on things the blind community would like to pass on to those who areRead More …
Some In-Person Courses Resume At Wisconsin Center For The Blind And Visually Impaired

It has been quite some time since I was in school, but I can only imagine how difficult it has been for blind and visually impaired students to suffer through the changes required to stay safe from the pandemic. For most visually impaired students, learning in-person is difficult enough, letRead More …
Why do guide dogs stop at every corner?

A guide dog and their handler are considered a team, they go everywhere together, and the dog is responsible for not only keeping their handler safe from obstacles, but also providing subtle cues for the location of the team along their route. The other day, I crossed a street andRead More …
Why is adaptive technology so expensive?

If you are visually impaired or know someone who is, then undoubtable you have experienced the shock and horror or how expensive adaptive technology can be. I remember looking at JAWS right after my car accident (that caused me to lose my sight) and thinking that $1200 for a oneRead More …
Are you blind? dealing with social distancing as a visually impaired person.

Before I got my guide dog Fauna, walking into objects and people was a fact of life. I would often lose focus while walking and veer off my line especially when I was in a store trying to find a particular product. Blindness is often referred to as the invisibleRead More …
Three questions with a blind person #2

A big thank you to my readers for submitting the great questions via my Twitter! @nedskee Here is a link to my second Three questions with a blind person article. I love taking time to educate the fully sighted on day to day life of a blind or visually impairedRead More …