Category: Guide Dog Files

Flying on Southwest with a Guide Dog

Fauan the Guide Dog sitting in the bulkhead seat on Southwest airlines

We arrived at the airport very early for our flight on Southwest to San Francisco from Denver. I was traveling with my wife and Fauna my guide dog, and we checked in at the kiosk without issue. The attendant asked if Fauna was a service animal and I stated thatRead More …

Tacos Tequila Whisky – Highlands location with a guide dog? Restaurant review

Profile photo of Fauna the black lab guide dog wearing a straw hat.

Four of us visited the Tacos Tequila Whisky Denver Highlands location last month for dinner. As my readers know, I am blind and on this trip I brought my guide dog Fauna. I followed the group in and the hostess was going to seat us inside until she saw thatRead More …

Guide Dog Files part 5

Profile photo of Fauna the black lab guide dog wearing a straw hat.

As I wind up this story recounting my experiences learning to work with my Guide Dog Fauna, I extend my appreciation to all who have followed this story, and hope that you will continue to follow our adventures here on We pick up the story at the beginning ofRead More …

Guide dog user? don’t forget this when you travel…

Fauna the guide dog sits with her harness on in a field of brown grass. The Rocky Mountains can be seen behind her under a cloudy grey sky.

Successfully traveling with a guide dog means being prepared for any situation you can think of… and a few you might not. Remember that guide dogs are people too (just ask them) and sometimes they might not feel well. Always remember to bring your white cane with you when youRead More …

Guide Dog Files – part four

Fauna the guide dog sits with her harness on in a field of brown grass. The Rocky Mountains can be seen behind her under a cloudy grey sky.

Welcome to part four of my experiences learning to work with a guide dog for the first time. In early October I traveled to Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael, California to receive my guide dog Fauna. With the anxiety of meeting my new dog for the firstRead More …

Traveling with a Guide Dog

Fauna the guide dog sits with her harness on in a field of brown grass. The Rocky Mountains can be seen behind her under a cloudy grey sky.

Traveling with a guide dog can be similar to traveling with a child at times. I have twin boys, and after traveling with and raising them, I found myself putting together a whole bag of tricks that I could pull from depending on the situation. Getting ready to go OneRead More …

Guide Dog Files Part 3

Fauna the guide dog sits with her harness on in a field of brown grass. The Rocky Mountains can be seen behind her under a cloudy grey sky.

Welcome to week three of my experiences learning to work with a guide dog for the first time. In early October I traveled to Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael, California to receive my guide dog Fauna, we pick up the story as I arrive in San Francisco…Read More …

Guide Dog Files part 2

Denver airport - a United Airlines jet is ready to be loaded. Overcast skies can be seen in the distance.

Welcome to Guide Dog files part two, a weekly recounting of my experience learning to work with a guide dog for the first time. After weeks of not sleeping well, we pick up the story with me headed to the airport. The day finally arrives – September 30, 2018 IRead More …

Guide Dog Files – getting my first guide dog part 1

I recently got my new guide dog Fauna, and we are learning to be an effective traveling team. It makes sense to have articles and tips for traveling with a guide dog, on this site. Before that  however, I thought I would tell you more about myself, and how IRead More …

Meet Fauna

Couples Sans Souci resort in Jamaica. a beautiful orange sunset over the ocean. Low mountains can be seen in the distance. More hazy mountains can be seen in the far distance. A few long clouds are illuminated by the orange sunset.

It is with great pleasure that I introduce you to Fauna my new Guide Dog. Thank you all that have been following the story so far on Twitter. I will be documenting the details of the story here that would never have fit on Twitter. Fauna is my first guideRead More …

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