Category: Opinion

The importance of real time audio descriptions for the news

The blind Travels logo inside of a television with the closed captioning and audio descriptions logos.

I have been thinking about something for a while now, and I finally sat down to write an article about it. Why don’t television stations offer real time audio descriptions for blind and visually impaired viewers  during live broadcasts like they do real time subtitles for those who are hearingRead More …

Accessibility of gift cards court cases

Blind Travels blog logo a silhouette of a photographer with a guide dog in harness.

I have to say that I am pretty happy with the direction of society in terms of money (other than that, things are pretty bonkers). I don’t miss the days of having to carry and keep track of a wallet full of bills. For the most part, I use myRead More …

2020, what an interesting year.

Emoji with big smile and glasses holding a champagne bottle and wearing a party hat with the words Hapopy New Year behind him,

As 2020 comes to a close, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the year that was. Things started out normal enough for me. I was only a couple of months into the highest-profile photography show to date when things got weird.  Photography In January 2020, I openedRead More …

Labels for disabled people

Blind Travels blog logo a silhouette of a photographer with a guide dog in harness.

I’m not one of those people with a disability that are in a panic over how the public refer to us. I have empathy for writers, reporters, and public figures that have anxiety when talking about people with disabilities.  There are so many different ways to talk about a personRead More …

Voting as a blind or visually impaired person.

The US flag with the democrat and republican logos opposite each other.

Tomorrow is the US presidential election, please take the time to get out and let your voice be heard. Let’s discuss some of the concerns about the vote tomorrow and what you can do to make things go smoother.

‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ just got more accessible to blind audiences

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

It makes me happy that many of the streaming services are catching up with audio describes content for the sight imp[aired. Apple TV has always been a bit ahead of the curve in that department, but now Netflix has taken the first step to making a popular animated series moreRead More …

Are you blind? dealing with social distancing as a visually impaired person.

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

Before I got my guide dog Fauna, walking into objects and people was a fact of life. I would often lose focus while walking and veer off my line especially when I was in a store trying to find a particular product. Blindness is often referred to as the invisibleRead More …

Pennsylvania to launch new voting method for visually impaired for next week’s primary

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

This is a travel and tech blog for the blind and visually impaired, so while this story meets the technical criteria for inclusion, I strive to make this a totally non-political website. I figure that if you are looking for politics there are a million and one other sources forRead More …

Guide Dogs and Coronavirus

Fauna the black lab guide dog wears a n-95 face mask.

My guide dog Fauna has a habit of engaging with people when we are out and about. She won’t actually go up to them or elicit attention, but she is very attentive and when we are not walking she is making eye contact with people around her. This habit tendsRead More …

Starting to open back up.

Fauna the black lab guide dog wears a n-95 face mask.

This has been a trying couple of months for the travel industry. I had three trips cancelled due to the pandemic, I currently have more travel booked and I fear that it will also be cancelled. I am a mature adult and realize that this shutdown is not all aboutRead More …

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