Category: Travel Tips
Staying hydrated when traveling

Dehydration while traveling is always a concern. The recirculated air aboard the planes always makes me feel parched and if your destination is at altitude for a skiing vacation or even just a trip to the mountains, often the first thing you want is water when you arrive at yourRead More …
Automatic Refunds: A Victory for Consumers

Under the new DOT rule, airlines must issue refunds automatically when they fail to transport passengers as promised. No more navigating complex websites, filing refund requests, or waiting endlessly for assistance. Refunds are issued promptly, either in cash or to the original form of payment, and for the full ticketRead More …
TSA Liquid Rules: Are Changes Coming or Should You Stick to 3-1-1?

You may have heard some buzz about changes to the TSA’s liquid restrictions. Reports suggest that some airports, particularly international or European ones, may soon relax the well-known 3-1-1 rule. This rule currently limits liquids, aerosols, gels, creams, and pastes to containers of 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or less, allRead More …
Aira – Visual Interpreting for accessibility

Ever found yourself packing for a trip, wanting to wear a specific outfit for a meeting or occasion, but struggling to identify which shirt is which? Or navigating an airport, yearning to find your own way to the departure gate without waiting for assistance? What about reading a menu inRead More …
Building your confidence: Preparing mentally to travel with little or no sight

So, you’ve got the travel bug, but the idea of navigating the world without sight has you feeling grounded? Been there, done that (with a killer massage at a super chill airport because, hey, delays happen!). But trust me, globetrotting as a blind or visually impaired adventurer is an epicRead More …
Two blind women removed from cruise ship

Recently, two blind women from West Sussex were removed from a P&O cruise ship over health and safety concerns. The cruise departed from Southampton and the passengers said that the cruise line and London-based travel agency that booked the cruise for them were aware of their visual impairment and wereRead More …
Blind and visually impaired guests at Disneyland Paris will now have the ability to access audio descriptions content via the AudioSpot mobile app to enhance their park-going experience.

Blind and visually impaired guests at Disneyland Paris will now have the ability to access audio descriptions content via the AudioSpot mobile app to enhance their park-going experience. This is really great news, I hope we continue to see more of this sort of thing. Embracing the needs of theRead More …
Edmonton International Airport has become easier to navigate for the visually impaired

We here at Blind Travels are huge supporters of the visually impaired traveling solo whenever possible. Finding the proper tools to be able to effectively and safely travel solo is important. Whether you use a Guide Dog, or a White Cane, companies which aid accessibility are still a must forRead More …
That one thing to pack for your next trip

Packing for your next trip can be an exciting but daunting process. The first thing that always goes in my suitcase is a collapsible white cane, even if I am traveling with my guide dog. A white cane can be invaluable asset while traveling for a couple reasons. Identification IfRead More …
New York becoming more friendly for the visually impaired!

While it is a great thing to see cities making their streets safer for the visually impaired to travel, it is certainly sad that it has to be by court order. According to the article in the New York Times, the ruling will fundamentally change the face of the city.Read More …