Debuting accessible art

The Twins, an abstract black and white image of the human body. In this photo two diagonal objects move up to the right of the frame and a rounded shape attaches to them mid-frame on the left.

Over the last six months, we have developed a process which can take a photo and extract the texture into a multilayered file that can be printed on any 3d printer. What this means is that using this process, we can take a piece of art (or photograph) and create a touchable (tactile) rendering, allowing those who have limited or no sight to experience visual art through touch. All of this would not have been possible without the support from Redline Contemporary Art Center of Denver, and The Andy Warhol Foundation for Visual Art. They believed in us, and they wanted us to set the stage for a new paradigm in accessible visual art, and we can’t thank them enough.

Since the beginning of the year, we have experienced a lot of highs and lows creating this new technique. To those around us who supported us and kept our spirits high, we thank you. We created new photos for the project too! To those who took the time and came to model for us, we thank you (the project is anonymous, so we won’t name names of course… you know who you are). Last but certainly not least, a big thank you to the members of the Boulder chapter of The National Federation of the Blind (my home chapter) for their help in refining this process and making it what it is.

Tomorrow, Carrie and I head out to Florida to debut our Landscapes of the Body multisensorial project at the National Federation of the Blind national conference in Orlando. We are so excited to finally be able to share this work, it will be available in the art room July 3 and 4th from 1-6pm.

If you are in Colorado, the public debut of this work will be at the Shine Music Festival on August 24th.

Now, I’m off to jump on a plane and give my poor 3d printer a break for a week. Stay tuned for info on our next great adventure in August!

“Traveling, without sight, is an extraordinary journey of exploration. In the quiet footsteps and whispered winds, you discover a world painted in sensations—the warmth of sun-kissed stones, the rhythm of bustling streets, and the symphony of unfamiliar voices. Each tactile map, each shared laughter, becomes a constellation of memories etched upon your soul. In the vastness of the unknown, you find not darkness, but a canvas waiting for your touch—a masterpiece woven from courage, resilience, and the sheer wonder of exploration.” – Ted Tahquechi

About the author

Ted Tahquechi is a blind photographer, travel influencer, disability advocate and photo educator based in Denver, Colorado. You can see more of Ted’s work at

Ted operates Blind Travels, a travel blog designed specifically to empower blind and visually impaired travelers.

Ted’s body-positive Landscapes of the Body project has been shown all over the world, learn more about this intriguing collection of photographic work at:

 Questions or comments? Feel free to email Ted at: 

Instagram: @nedskee

Twitter: @nedskee

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