Location, Location. Location.

Traveling with a guide dog is always an adventure, the more you plan ahead the smoother your trip will usually go. This week begins hotel week here on BlindTravels.com where we focus on tips and tricks to make staying in a hotel with a guide dog or other service animal easier. Each day we will be releasing a new hotel review and tip. Stay tuned for a special story at the end of the week!
The location of your room in the hotel can make a huge difference when staying with a guide dog or service animal. When I check in, I always ask for a room that it located near the elevators for easy access to the outside relieving area. Explaining this when checking in will often get me placed perfectly for morning and evening relieving times. It can be tough to get up in the mornings when on vacation or in a new time zone, so factor this time in for your dog’s relieving schedule. Sometimes it is tough to remember that they will stay on their same relieving schedule regardless of your time zone.
Stay tuned for more tips and feel free to contact me on any of my social media links below if you have a tip to add for hotel week!
Website: http://www.tahquechi.com/
Charity Work: http://www.bodyscapes.photography/
Travel & Review Site: https://www.blindtravels.com/
Instagram and Twitter: @nedskee
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