Some In-Person Courses Resume At Wisconsin Center For The Blind And Visually Impaired

It has been quite some time since I was in school, but I can only imagine how difficult it has been for blind and visually impaired students to suffer through the changes required to stay safe from the pandemic. For most visually impaired students, learning in-person is difficult enough, let alone having to do it on a video screen in a tiny little window. In a sure sign that things are starting to get back to normal, In-person courses are starting back up at the Wisconsin Venter for the blind and visually impaired.
The ability to begin safely offering in-person instruction is a positive step towards our goal of offering on-site instruction to all of our students during the 2021-2022 school year,” Dan Wenzel, the center’s director, said.
Many people who are visually impaired also have secondary health concerns as well. Seeing these courses resume after the COVID-19 pandemic means that other areas of our lives will be returning to normal. I believe the Wisconsin Center for the blind and visually impaired will be taking all the necessary precautions in their preparation to keep these students safe.
Here is a link to the entire article
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