Some really cool news!

Landscape photo taken from the Amtrak California Zephyr. This is a sunset shot and the reddish-orange rock formations that dominate the center of the image are partially in shadow. The warm light from the sunset make the rock formations glow red, and are contrasted beautifully under the bright blue sky.

Photography is a big part of my life, and I almost always have my camera with me wherever I go. Along with all of my travel photography I also have several ongoing bodies of work, with that in mind I cam happy to announce:

Earlier this year I was invited to exhibit some my photography work at the Lighthouse for the Blind gallery located on Market Street in San Francisco. Since the gallery is in a particularly heavy traffic area, I fully expected them to want to show some of my Landscape work, or the images of my guide dog from my Fauna’s Adventures body of work – boy was I wrong! They are excited to show my Landscapes of the Body project, because they feel it is a unique look at the human form and features images that represent the way I see the human form. The show opens this January (My wife and I will be there for the opening) and will be on display in the gallery for six months.

Even though I haven’t posted about my Landscapes of the Body project in a while, I have continued to actively shoot for and evolve the image style, and since the Lighthouse for the Blind is hosting this exhibition, I have taken the work to the next level and collaborated with an awesome Colorado-based company called Duraplaq to create versions of some of the images which are fully tactile for those with no sight. I will have more information as the show grows closer, and I hope that my California friends can make it up to S.F. for the opening!!

More information about the opening reception will be forthcoming, so please check back – I would love to invite all of my Blind Travels readers to come and meet me, my guide Fauna and see some of my work.

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