Tag: #blind
Come see my photography!
It is with great joy that I announce the extension of my Landscapes of the Body photography exhibition through the end of the year at the Lighthouse for the Blind gallery located at 1155 Market Street in San Francisco ca. If you find yourself in San Francisco, please stop byRead More …
Pennsylvania to launch new voting method for visually impaired for next week’s primary
This is a travel and tech blog for the blind and visually impaired, so while this story meets the technical criteria for inclusion, I strive to make this a totally non-political website. I figure that if you are looking for politics there are a million and one other sources forRead More …
Cool ultrasonic speaker techology lets braille readers read in mid-air
This is a great advancement, I can really see this benefiting so many. The added bonus with the social distancing is that we don’t have t come in contact with a surface that has been manhandled by so many others. I hope this technology can evolve and be implemented inRead More …
Guide Dogs and Coronavirus
My guide dog Fauna has a habit of engaging with people when we are out and about. She won’t actually go up to them or elicit attention, but she is very attentive and when we are not walking she is making eye contact with people around her. This habit tendsRead More …
Starting to open back up.
This has been a trying couple of months for the travel industry. I had three trips cancelled due to the pandemic, I currently have more travel booked and I fear that it will also be cancelled. I am a mature adult and realize that this shutdown is not all aboutRead More …
Thank you Hadley School for the Blind!
A big thank you to Haldey school for the Blind for interviewing me about Amtrak travel with a guide dog. You can tune into Hadley’s Travel Talk at: https://www.hadley.edu/ I appeared on the April 23rd show and we talked about the whole process of Amtrak travel from start to finish.Read More …
Three questions with a blind person #2
A big thank you to my readers for submitting the great questions via my Twitter! @nedskee Here is a link to my second Three questions with a blind person article. I love taking time to educate the fully sighted on day to day life of a blind or visually impairedRead More …
Accessibility for the visually impaired amid Covid-19
My guide Dog Fauna and I ventured a trip to the store yesterday to pick up some much needed provisions (cookies for my son and oranges for me). We had only been in the store for a few minutes before some person was yelling at me for going the wrongRead More …
Guide Dogs and social distancing
Guide dogs are trained to be working dogs, not pets. These dogs are ready to go until they retire. The Covid-19 pandemic has caused everyone to change their daily routine, people are staying home and guides are not working nearly as much as they used to. My guide Fauna isRead More …
Three questions with a blind person #1
Yesterday I was walking with my guide dog and had someone ask me some questions about being blind. I thought it might make an interesting addition to my education section here on Blind Travels.