Tag: #blind

Winter World Book 1 by A.G. Riddle Audiobook

We love reviewing audiobooks, here’s our latest:  Winter World Book 1 by A.G. Riddle Audiobook – in-depth review of the story and performance for Winter World book 1 by A. G Riddle   Winter World (audiobook) by A.G. Riddle  

Malaysia making their vending machines accessible

A man holding a camera and a white cane in silhouette with a silhouette of a lab guide dog in front of him. The blind Travels logo is to the right of them.

Malaysia is launching a program to tackle one of the most difficult things to navigate as a visually impaired person: the vending machine. According to Mashable: The Southeast Asian nation’s biggest F&B vending operator, ATLAS Vending, recently collaborated with the Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB) to roll out aRead More …

This week in accessibility and technology

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

This week in accessibility and technology is an ongoing series of articles focused on news about accessibility and technology for the blind and visually impaired. This week’s offerings include accessibility for visually impaired Virginia voters and more complaints registered about the “devil’s bumps” on curb corners.  Accessible voting First upRead More …

Shooting Lake Marie Wyoming, at sunrise

Warm sunrise light bathes the peaks above and the water of lake Marie in Wyoming. As the sun is rising, it is reflecting off of the small puffy clouds.

The most difficult aspect of shooting Lake Marie Wyoming, at sunrise was the frigid cold temperatures. Just like everything else when you are visually impaired, taking the time to research, plan and orient yourself before attempting something pays it forward when the day arrives. How did I get this funRead More …

What the blind community wishes you knew.

Blind Travels blog logo a silhouette of a photographer with a guide dog in harness.

Anyone who is a regular reader of this blog or website knows that I love to write articles centered around education, for the visually impaired and the fully sighted. Recently USA Today published an article focused on things the blind community would like to pass on to those who areRead More …

Abandoned lakeside resort in Wyoming

Abandones lakeside resort cabins. The cabins, surrounded by trees are being held up by boards.

While wandering the unpaved backroads of Wyoming, we came across this really cool sprawling lakeside resort which had been abandoned in the 1970’s. The cabins are all in various states of decay. Most of the cabins are being held up by boards and look unstable to venture into.  Location LocatedRead More …

Visually Impaired Texas children given the tools they need

Blind Travels blog logo a silhouette of a photographer with a guide dog in harness.

Sight Savers America recently partnered with West Texas school districts and optometrists specializing in low vision to identify and help school children with low vision. SAN ANGELO, Texas has no low vision specialists in their area, so Sight Saves America stepped in giving children an hour-long low vision assessment andRead More …

Abandoned Mine in Wyoming

a black and white image of an abandoned mine. The structure for hauling material up and down the mine juts out of the top of the small building. There are lumber pieces and debris scattered around the area in front of the small building.

Bouncing around the 4X4 accessible trails near Centennial Wyoming, we came across this awesome abandoned mine. The view from the mine is pretty spectacular and I bet during its operational days it was beautiful to work at. Unlike a lot of other abandoned place I have been to, this oneRead More …

Winter is coming!

Fauna the black lab guide dog wearing her harness and red and gray sweatshirt. She is standing in the living room ready to go out for a walk.

As summer winds down, and the signs of fall are all around us, it is a great time to think about keeping your dog safe during those wintery walks. While I will gear this article toward guide dog users, this information is appropriate for anyone who loves to venture outRead More …

Apple adding new disability friendly features to iOS

The blind Travels logo which features a silhouette of a photographer and a guide dog in front of the apple logo.

Apple today is announcing improvements to the iOS operating system, adding new features for users with a variety of disabilities. Of particular interest to the visually impaired community is the improvements to the voice over screen reader which will wil now allow users to identify the contents of images onscreen.Read More …

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