Tag: Travel
Wandering in Wyoming

I live in northern Colorado, and it is only a couple hour drive to Wyoming. With all the COVID restrictions starting to ease a bit, traveling has become a bit safer and more fun. Throughout 2020, I stayed pretty close to home like we all did, but ever after thingsRead More …
Thank you Pup Talk!

A big shout out and thank you to Pup Talk for the great article on BlindTravels! You guys are awesome. https://pup-talk.com/article32.html
Guide Dogs UK celebrates 90 years!

With Guide Dogs UK celebrating their 90th birthday today, the Shropshire Star took some time to publish a great article and shout out how amazing guide dogs are. The article emphasizes just how much independence working guide dogs give their handlers. I write quite often here on BlindTravels about myRead More …
Honda creates new shoe-based navigation for the visually impaired

With the rise of vision impairment disabilities in the population, Honda is joining other companies like Microsoft in creating products for the blind and visually impaired market. From Honda on the creation of Ashirase, Inc. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. recently announced the establishment of Ashirase, Inc. It is the automaker’sRead More …
Google I/O and awesome accessibility features coming

Along with all the fun travel and destination reviews I do here on blindtravels, I love to talk about technology, especially when it relates to travel. This year’s Google I/O conference, a gathering of the minds which allows Google to show off all the cool new software and hardware theyRead More …
Railway stations ‘mapped’ for visually impaired passengers

Sussex are taking accessibility to the next level for some of their railway stations. The improvements implemented to make the stations more accessible to blind and visually impaired travelers include some great looking tactile maps manufactured by the Royal National Institute of Blind People, higher contrast markings on stairs andRead More …
Why do guide dogs stop at every corner?

A guide dog and their handler are considered a team, they go everywhere together, and the dog is responsible for not only keeping their handler safe from obstacles, but also providing subtle cues for the location of the team along their route. The other day, I crossed a street andRead More …
Black Friday deal!
I’m legally blind, but I also love photography, especially Travel Photography. Post-processing images can take forever, and using some image processing software can be difficult to see. DxO acquired the Nik Collection a few years ago, and I could not be happier that they are continuing to evolve and innovateRead More …
Sharing is caring

I am feeling the summer sadness. I am supposed to be getting ready for a trip to Alaska right now, but like everyone else I’m stuck at home thinking about travel. My dad used to call it having itchy moccasins – yes, he was Native American. I love to travelRead More …
Guide Dog tips – something special

With many states lifting travel restrictions, it is time to think about how you can make the transition back into traveling easier for your guide dog. Whether I am traveling across town or across the country, I always have a backpack with a few things my guide could use “justRead More …