Tag: Travel

Starting to open back up.

Fauna the black lab guide dog wears a n-95 face mask.

This has been a trying couple of months for the travel industry. I had three trips cancelled due to the pandemic, I currently have more travel booked and I fear that it will also be cancelled. I am a mature adult and realize that this shutdown is not all aboutRead More …

Ideas to stay busy during the COVID-19 outbreak

Fauna the black lab guide dog sitting on a wooden floor wearing a sparkly green saint paddies day hat.

Many of us are sequestered at home (some voluntarily and some not), in an effort to quell the spread of COVID-19 – nearly all of my traveler friends have cancelled their upcoming travel and are hunkered down at home. This is a tempting time to travel with the deep discountsRead More …

Covid-19 and Travel

Blind travels logo, text with a silhouette of a guide dog in harness.

As the coronavirus (covid-19) continues to spread around the world, many concerns have arisen about travel, especially with a guide dog. This blog is non-political, so don’t expect me to “bash” the current administration for their effectiveness in dealing with this virus. Instead, I would like to share with myRead More …

Tips for packing for your guide dogs food

Blind Travels dog logo

Traveling with a guide dog is always an adventure, the more you plan ahead the smoother your trip will usually go. This week begins hotel week here on BlindTravels.com where we focus on tips and tricks to make staying in a hotel with a guide dog easier. Each day weRead More …

Guide dog emergency

Traveling when visually impaired or with a guide dog is always an adventure, the more you plan ahead the smoother your trip will usually go. This week begins hotel week here on BlindTravels.com where we focus on tips and tricks to make staying in a hotel with a guide dogRead More …

Location, Location. Location.

Fauna the black Labrador guide dog wearing her Guide Dogs for the Blind harness sits outside next to the Amtrak California Zephyr. She is looking away from the camera.

Traveling with a guide dog is always an adventure, the more you plan ahead the smoother your trip will usually go. This week begins hotel week here on BlindTravels.com where we focus on tips and tricks to make staying in a hotel with a guide dog or other service animalRead More …

I’m back, new work and our next trip

Thank you for all the concerned messages, for the last few weeks I have been out of commission due to a broken hand. During the last snowstorm here in Colorado, I took my guide dog Fauna out for evening relieving and didn’t see the ice that had built up onRead More …

Tipping tips

Denver airport - a United Airlines jet is ready to be loaded. Overcast skies can be seen in the distance.

As a visually impaired traveler, I personally find it important to “pay it forward” by tipping those who help me out, as to give visually impaired travelers “cred”. If I can tip someone who helps me to the gate for my flight and that makes them more enthusiastic about helpingRead More …

Guide Dog Files part 5

Profile photo of Fauna the black lab guide dog wearing a straw hat.

As I wind up this story recounting my experiences learning to work with my Guide Dog Fauna, I extend my appreciation to all who have followed this story, and hope that you will continue to follow our adventures here on BlindTravel.com. We pick up the story at the beginning ofRead More …

Guide dog user? don’t forget this when you travel…

Fauna the guide dog sits with her harness on in a field of brown grass. The Rocky Mountains can be seen behind her under a cloudy grey sky.

Successfully traveling with a guide dog means being prepared for any situation you can think of… and a few you might not. Remember that guide dogs are people too (just ask them) and sometimes they might not feel well. Always remember to bring your white cane with you when youRead More …

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