Tag: #traveltuesday

The ultimate guide to cruising with your guide dog

A golden retriever guide dog in harness stetting on the deck of a cruise ship next to a lounge chair.

Have you considered taking your guide dog on a cruise with you? Check out my ultimate guide to cruising with a guide, discussing everything from the documentation you need to gather before the cruise to where they will relieve onboard. https://www.blindtravels.com/ultimate-guide-to-cruising-with-guide-dogs/ “Traveling, without sight, is an extraordinary journey of exploration.Read More …

Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa New Mexico

The Hyatt Regency Tamaya resort and spa view from our room at sunset. The trees are in fall bloom and the mountain had a few clouds above it

Have you checked out our reviews section lately? Today’s new offering is a review of the accessibility at the Tamaya Resort.  Recently, my guide dog Fauna and I journeyed to the Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa in New Mexico. Let’s talk about the #accessibility at this unique destination desertRead More …

Don’t pet the fluffy cows!

A majestic looking buffalo in a field of brown grass with the rocky mountains behind him.

A reminder to keep an eye on your travel companions this summer. The woman in this article intentionally got too close to a Bison while visiting Yellowstone National Park. The animals in our national parks are not domesticated (in almost every case) and have little to no tolerance for touristsRead More …

Edmonton International Airport has become easier to navigate for the visually impaired

Blind Travels logo with words and silhouette of guide dog and handler.

We here at Blind Travels are huge supporters of the visually impaired traveling solo whenever possible. Finding the proper tools to be able to effectively and safely travel solo is important. Whether you use a Guide Dog, or a White Cane, companies which aid accessibility are still a must forRead More …

That one thing to pack for your next trip

Blind Travels logo with words and silhouette of guide dog and handler.

Packing for your next trip can be an exciting but daunting process. The first thing that always goes in my suitcase is a collapsible white cane, even if I am traveling with my guide dog. A white cane can be invaluable asset while traveling for a couple reasons. Identification IfRead More …

New York becoming more friendly for the visually impaired!

The blind travels logo. A sillhouette of a man holding the harness of a guide dog also in silhouette.

While it is a great thing to see cities making their streets safer for the visually impaired to travel, it is certainly sad that it has to be by court order. According to the article in the New York Times, the ruling will fundamentally change the face of the city.Read More …

The British Museum and VocalEyes team up for upcoming exhibition

Screenshot of the British Museum page with link to the Audio Described exhibition.

We all want to get back to traveling, and especially going to museums again. Many in the visually impaired community have concerns about the dynamics of COVID-19 and returning to travel destinations like museums. In the meantime, it is great to see museums like The British Museum offering virtual optionsRead More …

Guide Dog Files part 2

Denver airport - a United Airlines jet is ready to be loaded. Overcast skies can be seen in the distance.

Welcome to Guide Dog files part two, a weekly recounting of my experience learning to work with a guide dog for the first time. After weeks of not sleeping well, we pick up the story with me headed to the airport. The day finally arrives – September 30, 2018 IRead More …

Time for accommodations

Bear Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park, a large rock structure is coming out of clearing clouds to the right of the frame. Trees can be seen along the bottom of the image.

Traveling is an adventure, and if you plan ahead, your stress level can be significantly reduced. When booking a trip, don’t forget to inquire about accessibility accommodations you might need along the way. I find it easy to get wrapped up in the timing of flights, and locations of hotelsRead More …

Research is the key to success

Couples Sans Souci resort in Jamaica. a beautiful orange sunset over the ocean. Low mountains can be seen in the distance. More hazy mountains can be seen in the far distance. A few long clouds are illuminated by the orange sunset.

When traveling to a new location, be sure to take plenty of time to research your destination thoroughly. Familiarize yourself with the area, getting to not only know the streets in the area, but large and common landmarks in the vicinity. I can’t count the number of time I haveRead More …

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