Tag: #traveltuesday
Tips for getting to the gate at the airport

If you have some vision, like I do – make sure to bring a magnifying implement so you can read your boarding pass. I always travel with a hand-held magnifier, but I have also used and love the Mag Glass app for my iPhone. I am not as familiar withRead More …
Tip on plane reservations

Note: this is not an advertisement for Southwest, nor am I affiliated in any way with them. I have had good experiences with Southwest Airlines and I wish to share them. Traveling when partially sighted can be challenging at times – finding the right gate, getting checked in and retrievingRead More …
Blind and visually impaired Baggage Tip

Travel Tip for the day: Getting to the airport is generally easy – whether Uber, Taxi or getting dropped off by a friend, and I find that if I ask for assistance getting to the gate, and to baggage claim after I land, a huge amount of stress is removed.Read More …