Tag: visually impaired

Blind Travels featured in Accessible Journeys Magazine

A heartfelt thank you  goes out to Accessible Journeys magazine for the wonderful article on Blind Travels in their summer issue. While we focus mainly on blind and low vision accessible travel, the fine folks at Accessible Travel create articles and tips geared toward a variety of disabilities. I encourageRead More …

The difference between emotional support animal and service dog

blind travels logo, text and silhouette of guide dog and handler

Do you know the difference between an emotional support animal and a service dog? It can be confusing, especially with the new legislation, and all of the claims by companies on the internet promising documentation to allow you to take your dog anywhere you go. I am a guide dogRead More …

Don’t pet the fluffy cows!

A majestic looking buffalo in a field of brown grass with the rocky mountains behind him.

A reminder to keep an eye on your travel companions this summer. The woman in this article intentionally got too close to a Bison while visiting Yellowstone National Park. The animals in our national parks are not domesticated (in almost every case) and have little to no tolerance for touristsRead More …

New device uses haptics to allow the visually impaired to sense their surroundings.

The blind travels logo. A sillhouette of a man holding the harness of a guide dog also in silhouette.

Using 3d printed goggles holding stereo infrared sensors, scientists have developed a system for the visually impaired to navigate more effectively.  Users wear arms receptors which inform the user of objects in their path, according to the developer: “Distance information from the camera is mapped onto a 2D vibration arrayRead More …

New York becoming more friendly for the visually impaired!

The blind travels logo. A sillhouette of a man holding the harness of a guide dog also in silhouette.

While it is a great thing to see cities making their streets safer for the visually impaired to travel, it is certainly sad that it has to be by court order. According to the article in the New York Times, the ruling will fundamentally change the face of the city.Read More …

Malaysia making their vending machines accessible

A man holding a camera and a white cane in silhouette with a silhouette of a lab guide dog in front of him. The blind Travels logo is to the right of them.

Malaysia is launching a program to tackle one of the most difficult things to navigate as a visually impaired person: the vending machine. According to Mashable: The Southeast Asian nation’s biggest F&B vending operator, ATLAS Vending, recently collaborated with the Malaysian Association for the Blind (MAB) to roll out aRead More …

This week in accessibility and technology

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

This week in accessibility and technology is an ongoing series of articles focused on news about accessibility and technology for the blind and visually impaired. This week’s offerings include accessibility for visually impaired Virginia voters and more complaints registered about the “devil’s bumps” on curb corners.  Accessible voting First upRead More …

Shooting Lake Marie Wyoming, at sunrise

Warm sunrise light bathes the peaks above and the water of lake Marie in Wyoming. As the sun is rising, it is reflecting off of the small puffy clouds.

The most difficult aspect of shooting Lake Marie Wyoming, at sunrise was the frigid cold temperatures. Just like everything else when you are visually impaired, taking the time to research, plan and orient yourself before attempting something pays it forward when the day arrives. How did I get this funRead More …

What the blind community wishes you knew.

Blind Travels blog logo a silhouette of a photographer with a guide dog in harness.

Anyone who is a regular reader of this blog or website knows that I love to write articles centered around education, for the visually impaired and the fully sighted. Recently USA Today published an article focused on things the blind community would like to pass on to those who areRead More …

Abandoned lakeside resort in Wyoming

Abandones lakeside resort cabins. The cabins, surrounded by trees are being held up by boards.

While wandering the unpaved backroads of Wyoming, we came across this really cool sprawling lakeside resort which had been abandoned in the 1970’s. The cabins are all in various states of decay. Most of the cabins are being held up by boards and look unstable to venture into.  Location LocatedRead More …

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