Tag: visually impaired
Wandering in Wyoming

I live in northern Colorado, and it is only a couple hour drive to Wyoming. With all the COVID restrictions starting to ease a bit, traveling has become a bit safer and more fun. Throughout 2020, I stayed pretty close to home like we all did, but ever after thingsRead More …
Guide Dogs UK celebrates 90 years!

With Guide Dogs UK celebrating their 90th birthday today, the Shropshire Star took some time to publish a great article and shout out how amazing guide dogs are. The article emphasizes just how much independence working guide dogs give their handlers. I write quite often here on BlindTravels about myRead More …
Blind Badminton

Anyone who regularly follows this blog knows that I am a big fan of travel related technology, and how it affects the lives of f he blind and visually impaired community. But, I love to hear and read about technologies being reimagined for new purposes, especially if those purposes allowRead More …
Winter is coming!

As summer winds down, and the signs of fall are all around us, it is a great time to think about keeping your dog safe during those wintery walks. While I will gear this article toward guide dog users, this information is appropriate for anyone who loves to venture outRead More …
Honda creates new shoe-based navigation for the visually impaired

With the rise of vision impairment disabilities in the population, Honda is joining other companies like Microsoft in creating products for the blind and visually impaired market. From Honda on the creation of Ashirase, Inc. Honda Motor Co., Ltd. recently announced the establishment of Ashirase, Inc. It is the automaker’sRead More …
Google I/O and awesome accessibility features coming

Along with all the fun travel and destination reviews I do here on blindtravels, I love to talk about technology, especially when it relates to travel. This year’s Google I/O conference, a gathering of the minds which allows Google to show off all the cool new software and hardware theyRead More …
The importance of real time audio descriptions for the news

I have been thinking about something for a while now, and I finally sat down to write an article about it. Why don’t television stations offer real time audio descriptions for blind and visually impaired viewers during live broadcasts like they do real time subtitles for those who are hearingRead More …
I’m giving away a limited edition photo print!

I’m giving away a limited-edition print for my yearly follow-fest. If you follow me on Instagram @nedskee between now and June 1, 2021 you will be entered to win this print. I will choose one random winner from all the entries. And contact the winner via direct message. If youRead More …