Tag: visually impaired

InnoMake smart shoe warns blind and visually impaired people of obstacles

A camera with a blind person walking with a cane in the lens.

Just like the cane Microsoft is sponsoring, these smart shoes offer sensors that can warn the user of potential obstacles in their path. The manufacturer says they connect to your smartphone and have a battery life that can last up to a week. For those of us who still haveRead More …

Some In-Person Courses Resume At Wisconsin Center For The Blind And Visually Impaired

A camera with a blind person walking with a cane in the lens.

It has been quite some time since I was in school, but I can only imagine how difficult it has been for blind and visually impaired students to suffer through the changes required to stay safe from the pandemic. For most visually impaired students, learning in-person is difficult enough, letRead More …

Why do guide dogs stop at every corner?

Blind Travels blog logo a silhouette of a photographer with a guide dog in harness.

A guide dog and their handler are considered a team, they go everywhere together, and the dog is responsible for not only keeping their handler safe from obstacles, but also providing subtle cues for the location of the team along their route. The other day, I crossed a street andRead More …

Why is adaptive technology so expensive?

A camera with a blind person walking with a cane in the lens.

If you are visually impaired or know someone who is, then undoubtable you have experienced the shock and horror or how expensive adaptive technology can be. I remember looking at JAWS right after my car accident (that caused me to lose my sight) and thinking that $1200 for a oneRead More …

Facebook improving AI to detect contents of images

Blind Travels blog logo a silhouette of a photographer with a guide dog in harness.

Facebook has increased the usefulness/capabilities of their AI which powers the detection of image contents, improving the experience for blind and visually impaired users. I use this feature often and have seen a marked improvement in the quality of the way Facebook detects people, objects, and locations in posted photos. Read More …

Accessibility of gift cards court cases

Blind Travels blog logo a silhouette of a photographer with a guide dog in harness.

I have to say that I am pretty happy with the direction of society in terms of money (other than that, things are pretty bonkers). I don’t miss the days of having to carry and keep track of a wallet full of bills. For the most part, I use myRead More …

2020, what an interesting year.

Emoji with big smile and glasses holding a champagne bottle and wearing a party hat with the words Hapopy New Year behind him,

As 2020 comes to a close, I’d like to take a moment to reflect on the year that was. Things started out normal enough for me. I was only a couple of months into the highest-profile photography show to date when things got weird.  Photography In January 2020, I openedRead More …

Labels for disabled people

Blind Travels blog logo a silhouette of a photographer with a guide dog in harness.

I’m not one of those people with a disability that are in a panic over how the public refer to us. I have empathy for writers, reporters, and public figures that have anxiety when talking about people with disabilities.  There are so many different ways to talk about a personRead More …

Staying fit during the new normal

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

Depending on where you live, the COVID-19 pandemic has made it difficult or worrisome to get out and get that much needed exercise. Just watch TV for a few minutes and you will be inundated with apps and companies offering virtual options for getting fit in this crazy new normalRead More …

Artists supporting disabled artists.

Blind Travels dog logo

All of the photography here on Blind Travels was taken by me. I have degrees in Fine Art Photography and Studio Art Photography,  when I finished my degrees I spent years trying to find a gallery that would exhibit my work. The area I lived in had an art communityRead More …

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