Tag: visually impaired

Three quesitons with a blind person part 3

Fauna the black lab guide dog sitting on a wooden floor wearing a sparkly green saint paddies day hat.

I just published part three of my series “Three questions with a blind person” Please feel free to pass this series along. I’m interested to hear what you think about this series, did I get it right? is there something you would like to share the answer to with myRead More …

Cool ultrasonic speaker techology lets braille readers read in mid-air

A silhouette image of a lab guide dog in harness.

This is a great advancement, I can really see this benefiting so many. The added bonus with the social distancing is that we don’t have t come in contact with a surface that has been manhandled by so many others. I hope this technology can evolve and be implemented inRead More …

Starting to open back up.

Fauna the black lab guide dog wears a n-95 face mask.

This has been a trying couple of months for the travel industry. I had three trips cancelled due to the pandemic, I currently have more travel booked and I fear that it will also be cancelled. I am a mature adult and realize that this shutdown is not all aboutRead More …

Visually Impaired Students play curling

For some strange reason, whenever my sighted friends hear about adaptive technology for sporting events they are amazed. Curling while visually impaired makes total sense to me.  

Covid-19 and Travel

Blind travels logo, text with a silhouette of a guide dog in harness.

As the coronavirus (covid-19) continues to spread around the world, many concerns have arisen about travel, especially with a guide dog. This blog is non-political, so don’t expect me to “bash” the current administration for their effectiveness in dealing with this virus. Instead, I would like to share with myRead More …

Solving the toughest problem when traveling visually impaired

Blind Travels dog logo

Traveling with a visual impairment is always an adventure, the more you plan ahead the smoother your trip will usually go. This week begins hotel week here on BlindTravels.com where we focus on tips and tricks to make staying in a hotel with a visual impairment or guide dog easier.Read More …

Guide Dog Files part 5

Profile photo of Fauna the black lab guide dog wearing a straw hat.

As I wind up this story recounting my experiences learning to work with my Guide Dog Fauna, I extend my appreciation to all who have followed this story, and hope that you will continue to follow our adventures here on BlindTravel.com. We pick up the story at the beginning ofRead More …

Guide Dog Files – part four

Fauna the guide dog sits with her harness on in a field of brown grass. The Rocky Mountains can be seen behind her under a cloudy grey sky.

Welcome to part four of my experiences learning to work with a guide dog for the first time. In early October I traveled to Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael, California to receive my guide dog Fauna. With the anxiety of meeting my new dog for the firstRead More …

Traveling with a Guide Dog

Fauna the guide dog sits with her harness on in a field of brown grass. The Rocky Mountains can be seen behind her under a cloudy grey sky.

Traveling with a guide dog can be similar to traveling with a child at times. I have twin boys, and after traveling with and raising them, I found myself putting together a whole bag of tricks that I could pull from depending on the situation. Getting ready to go OneRead More …

Guide Dog Files Part 3

Fauna the guide dog sits with her harness on in a field of brown grass. The Rocky Mountains can be seen behind her under a cloudy grey sky.

Welcome to week three of my experiences learning to work with a guide dog for the first time. In early October I traveled to Guide Dogs for the Blind in San Rafael, California to receive my guide dog Fauna, we pick up the story as I arrive in San Francisco…Read More …

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