The difference between emotional support animal and service dog

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Do you know the difference between an emotional support animal and a service dog? It can be confusing, especially with the new legislation, and all of the claims by companies on the internet promising documentation to allow you to take your dog anywhere you go. I am a guide dog user and the people who mistakenly believe they can take a household pet anywhere they go because they bought an official looking ID card online often makes it more difficult for those who use well trained legitimate service animals. It is a bit sad when I go into a restaurant and park my guide under the table, only to have the hostess come over and say they have never seen a well behaved service animal before. With some questioning, it often becomes clear that the general clientele who bring in dogs masquerading as service animals bark and cause a commotion while they are in the restaurant. This is sad and I do what I can to educate them on what a legitimate service animal should behave like. 
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